Gold mining

Guardians of the Forest: How Brazil’s Efforts Against Illegal Gold Miners Can Inspire Suriname

eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, August 26th, 2024 - In the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, a battle rages between indigenous communities, nature,…

4 weeks ago

The Threat of Illegal Mining from Brazil Crossing the Border and Reaching Suriname

dr. Edivando Vitor do Couto / eyesonsuriname Amsterdam June 3d 2024--Illegal mining, particularly gold mining, is a significant issue in…

4 months ago

Brazil launches operation to drive illegal miners from Yanomami lands

Special forces destroy aircraft and seize weapons in effort to protect largest Indigenous reserve from mining mafias T.Philips The Brazilian…

9 months ago

The health risks caused by the use of mercury in mining

In mining, mercury is usually used for gold separation Bruna Alves From São Paulo to BBC News Brazil Illegal mines,…

1 year ago

Arrests illegal miners in Brazilian Amazon

When will those illegal Brazilians in Suriname be arrested?? eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 23 July 2023 Brazilian authorities this week arrested 18 illegal…

1 year ago

President Lula doesn’t want poor countries around Brazil

But illegal Brazilian goldminers in Suriname damage the environment beyond repair. No Focus. eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, June 11 2023--Guyana’s Vice President,…

1 year ago

The Eternal Golden Braid

The gold connection between  West-Africa and Suriname   The Cultural Origin of African Surinamers   by Ba Kwasi (Christopher Healy)…

1 year ago

New Gold Rules in Brazil

Gold Provisional Measure eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 26 april 2023-- According to reports from Brazilian media, Brasilia has concluded the Gold Provisional Measure…

1 year ago

Illegal Gold Mining in Brazil/Suriname

Causing Death and Destruction and Desitution [ = extreme poverty ]Brazilians guilty of polluting Suriname ?? Amsterdam, 7 feb 2023…

2 years ago