
The ‘dark earth’ revealing the Amazon’s secrets

Amid the discovery of a lost city in the Amazon rainforest, scientists are uncovering a different kind of relic underground…

3 months ago

Discovering the Biodiversity Hotspot of Suriname: A Hidden Gem in South America

Suriname, nestled on the northeastern coast of South America, remains an untouched paradise for nature lovers and environmental enthusiasts alike.…

3 months ago

Where capitalism and conservation meet

Can you put a price on the wonders of nature? Kingston-Upon-Hull, Tokyo and Shiretoko Spurn point would be a desolate place…

4 months ago

Wildebeest and wolves:

The secret weapons against climate change Schmitz is one of a group of researchers using wildebeest as an example to…

5 months ago

Suriname: Economic Development and Wildlife Conservation

Monique Pool - Funder of Green Fund Heritage Suriname Here is my chat with Monique Pool, the founder of Green…

2 years ago