Tag: RaboBank


Hello? Who’s on the phone?? Who am I talking to?

Yes, this is your chatbot eyesonproject/Roland van der Vorst Amsterdam June 1, 2024– It won’t be long and we really won’t know anymore whether we are talking to a human or a computer. The machine watches and listens to us, and predicts what we want to hear. In the meantime, we think we are dealing…
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How to measure the risks and impact of financing on nature

How to measure the risks and impact of financing on nature

eyesonsuriname Understanding nature-related risks and impact and how you can manage those risks and impact is the ambition of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). The TNFD is an international partnership of, among others, the United Nations and WWF that Rabobank has been a co-developing member of since its foundation in 2021. After two…
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Sustainable Food

Sustainable Food & Agri-sector

eyesonsuriname By 2050 there will be nearly 10 billion mouths to feed. And though we produce more food today than at any other time in history, our food system is under stress. Climate change impacts threaten predictable growing seasons and grower livelihoods. Soil health and biodiversity are in decline. An estimated one third of food…
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