
Category: Economy


Venezuela’s Strategic Pivot to BRICS: A Vision for Economic Revival

Venezuela’s Strategic Pivot to BRICS:

A Vision for Economic Revival eyesonsuriname Amidst geopolitical tensions and U.S. sanctions, Venezuela has taken a bold step by formally applying to join the BRICS alliance12. Led by President Nicolás Maduro, the oil-rich South American nation seeks to harness the economic rejuvenation opportunities that BRICS membership could offer. 1. Bypassing U.S. Sanctions: 2. Energy Trade…
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The Climate halting tragedy

Doesn’t really work out ( yet ) Trying to halt damaging climate change is a pair of ideas: decarbonise electricity and electrify the economy.  But this is not working out well. In fact it’s going bad, So, how is it going? Badly, is the answer.  eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, July 4th 2024–The question is if things will change…
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The Carbon Credits Market in the Philippines

eyesonthepilippines The carbon credits market in the Philippines holds promise as a tool for mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable development. While challenges remain, the country’s commitment to environmental protection and the growing global emphasis on carbon reduction provide a solid foundation for future growth. The incredibly beautiful and promising Philippines, an archipelago comprising over…
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The Philippines Tourism industry and sector

The Philippines Tourism industry and sector

More than abundant Investment Opportunities eyesonthephilippines Amsterdam, June 24th 2024– The tourism industry in the Philippines offers a wide range of investment opportunities, driven by the country’s natural beauty, cultural wealth and hospitality.  Investments in infrastructure, ecotourism, accommodation and adventure and recreation services can not only deliver significant financial benefits, but also contribute to the sustainable…
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The Plastic Waste Pollution in the Philippines

A Cleaner Future for All is possible. eyesonthephilippines Amsterdam, 14 June 2024– With its breathtaking natural beauty and vibrant communities, the Philippines faces a growing crisis that threatens its environment and well-being: plastic waste pollution. In recent years, the archipelago has witnessed a surge in plastic waste, from urban centres to remote beaches.   In this document we’ll…
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Suriname Future

and Common Sense eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 19 june 2024– Suraya Jiawan-Nanan, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Haukes Construction Company in Suriname, is urging local businesses to elevate their standards to meet international requirements as the country prepares for a surge in its oil industry.  Jiawan-Nanan, at the recent Suriname Energy Oil and Gas Summit, emphasized that achieving…
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Suriname’s Agricultural Ascent: A Vision for the Future

eyesonsuriname Suriname stands at the cusp of an agricultural revolution, one that promises to transform its verdant landscapes into a powerhouse of food production for the Caribbean region. The Regional Entrepreneur Acceleration Program (REAP) is the catalyst for this transformation, offering a beacon of hope and a roadmap to prosperity. Unleashing Potential with REAP The…
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Burkina Faso's President Ibrahim Traore

President Ibrahim Traoré: A Model of Humility and Service

eyesonsuriname In a continent often marred by stories of excess and corruption, President Ibrahim Traoré of Burkina Faso stands as a beacon of hope and humility. His decision to forgo a presidential salary and continue his duties as a military commander is not just a personal choice but a powerful statement that resonates with the…
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More than 20 million in Latin America and the Caribbean are threatened by climate change.

More than 40 million in Latin America and the Caribbean are threatened by climate change.

Adequate Measures expected eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 29 May 2024 – Tens of millions of people living in low-elevation coastal areas in Latin America and the Caribbean are facing the consequences of extreme weather events that threaten their lives and livelihoods and the hospitals they depend on, according to a new study by UNFPA, the UN Population Fund. …
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Message from the deepest of my soul and heart to those who mean well with repairing and polishing the country:

Message from the deepest of my soul and heart

to those who mean well with repairing and polishing the country Anton JieSamFoek / eyesonsuriname Message from the deepest of my soul and heart to those who mean well with repairing and polishing the country: Being part of the problem is no solution for Suriname. Being part of a productive and creative solution is.Oftewel: Maak geen…
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