
Tag: Geo-Politics


Venezuela’s Strategic Pivot to BRICS: A Vision for Economic Revival

Venezuela’s Strategic Pivot to BRICS:

A Vision for Economic Revival eyesonsuriname Amidst geopolitical tensions and U.S. sanctions, Venezuela has taken a bold step by formally applying to join the BRICS alliance12. Led by President Nicolás Maduro, the oil-rich South American nation seeks to harness the economic rejuvenation opportunities that BRICS membership could offer. 1. Bypassing U.S. Sanctions: 2. Energy Trade…
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The Climate halting tragedy

Doesn’t really work out ( yet ) Trying to halt damaging climate change is a pair of ideas: decarbonise electricity and electrify the economy.  But this is not working out well. In fact it’s going bad, So, how is it going? Badly, is the answer.  eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, July 4th 2024–The question is if things will change…
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The Philippines trying hard to lead in Banking and Finance Industries.

Forefront in SE Asia eyesonthephilippines  Amsterdam, — June 24th 2024–Thinking about and trying to analyze the future of the banking and finance industry in the Philippines we can’t escape the thought that this particular industry is characterized by digital innovation, regulatory support, and a high, serious commitment to financial inclusion and sustainability.  The integration of…
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Suriname’s Agricultural Ascent: A Vision for the Future

eyesonsuriname Suriname stands at the cusp of an agricultural revolution, one that promises to transform its verdant landscapes into a powerhouse of food production for the Caribbean region. The Regional Entrepreneur Acceleration Program (REAP) is the catalyst for this transformation, offering a beacon of hope and a roadmap to prosperity. Unleashing Potential with REAP The…
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Burkina Faso's President Ibrahim Traore

President Ibrahim Traoré: A Model of Humility and Service

eyesonsuriname In a continent often marred by stories of excess and corruption, President Ibrahim Traoré of Burkina Faso stands as a beacon of hope and humility. His decision to forgo a presidential salary and continue his duties as a military commander is not just a personal choice but a powerful statement that resonates with the…
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Message from the deepest of my soul and heart to those who mean well with repairing and polishing the country:

Message from the deepest of my soul and heart

to those who mean well with repairing and polishing the country Anton JieSamFoek / eyesonsuriname Message from the deepest of my soul and heart to those who mean well with repairing and polishing the country: Being part of the problem is no solution for Suriname. Being part of a productive and creative solution is.Oftewel: Maak geen…
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Rising Waters, Unyielding Hope: How the World Stands with Rio Grande do Sul Flood Victims

eyesonsuriname A Deluge of Despair The torrential rains in Brazil’s southern state of Rio Grande do Sul have unleashed a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions. As floodwaters surged, hundreds of towns were submerged, leaving behind a trail of devastation. The death toll has climbed to at least 85, and over 150,000 people have been displaced from…
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From Colonial Port to Global Financial Hub: The Singapore Success Story

From Colonial Port to Global Financial Hub: The Singapore Success Story

eyesonsuriname 1. Visionary Leadership and Strategic Policies Singapore’s transformation from a humble port city to a global financial powerhouse is a testament to visionary leadership and strategic economic policies. Under the guidance of leaders like Lee Kuan Yew, the city-state focused on education, innovation, and relentless pursuit of excellence1. By attracting multinational corporations and fostering…
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Belém, Para, Brazil, center of bioeconomy Amazonia

For a year, the center of the climate world eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, 24 april 2024– In 2025, the climate summit, COP30, will be organized in Belém.  Why it is so special that it takes place there and why a visit by agricultural and nature organizations before the COP is worthwhile. The Dutch LNV is committed to…
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Colombia’s Aspiration for BRICS Membership:

A Transformative Journey eyesonsuriname 1. The BRICS Connection: A Strategic Shift Colombia’s pursuit of BRICS membership marks a significant strategic shift in its foreign policy. Traditionally aligned with Western powers, Colombia’s overtures toward the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) signal a desire for diversification and a departure from historical dependencies. Brazil’s support…
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