
Tag: Climate Change


What were you doing while the forests were burning and the city was drowning?

eyesonsuriname John Goedschalk is the Nature Based Solutions pioneer with over a decade of experience in climate finance, carbon credit development and climate and conservation program design  Amsterdam, June 2, 2024 –In march of 2011, I learnt that climate change was going to make the city of Paramaribo I loved virtually uninhabitable due to increased temperatures…
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Rising Waters, Unyielding Hope: How the World Stands with Rio Grande do Sul Flood Victims

eyesonsuriname A Deluge of Despair The torrential rains in Brazil’s southern state of Rio Grande do Sul have unleashed a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions. As floodwaters surged, hundreds of towns were submerged, leaving behind a trail of devastation. The death toll has climbed to at least 85, and over 150,000 people have been displaced from…
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Decarbonization Report

Annual Utility Decarbonization Report 2022

The Next Generation of Energy Clean energy technologies are central to limiting the impacts of climate change as the world shifts away from emissions-intensive energy sources.Embracing clean energy alternatives means fundamentally changing the way we produce and consume energy—in all its forms. https://decarbonization.visualcapitalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/NPUC-Annual-Utility-Decarbonization-Report-2022-Sep-22-final.pdf

Exclusive Interview with Biden, Clinton and Obama Advisor on Climate Change

One of the secrets for success is more and better investments in data and more data. Listen to David J. Hayes in an exclusive one-on-one interview with eyesonsuriname. David J. Hayes is an American attorney and legal scholar who serves in the Biden Administration as Special Assistant to the President for Climate Policy.  Hayes has led the White…
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Suriname’s Green Revolution: Leveraging Carbon Credits for a Prosperous Future

Suriname’s Green Revolution

Leveraging Carbon Credits for a Prosperous Future (Part 2) Kamlesh Ganesh Introduction The recent presentation by Rudolf Elias, highlighting Suriname’s unique position as the greenest country on Earth and its potential in the face of climate change, has sparked discussions on the country’s path to sustainable development. Following the presentation, Minister of Finance, Stanley Raghoebarsing,…
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Making green plastic from captured CO2

Making green plastic from captured CO2

eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 26 June 2023 — To become climate neutral and circular by 2050, the chemical industry must stop using fossil fuels and raw materials and no longer emit CO2. This means electrification of processes that are currently still gas-driven, reduction of CO2 emissions, use of green electricity, but also the use of other raw…
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Investor in Suriname TotalEnergies gets black eye

Investor in Suriname TotalEnergies gets black eye

TotalEnergies suffers investor revolt over climate goals eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 27 May 2023 –Over 30% back activist motion against French oil group at annual meeting as police use tear gas against protesters A large group of TotalEnergies shareholders has urged the French oil and gas company to speed up efforts to switch to cleaner energy at…
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Carbon Credits Suriname

Conservation International Suriname

Carbon Credit Case Study (Suriname) Presentation by John Goedschalk, CEO of Conservation International Suriname at the NOAH Conference Zurich 2021, 6-7 December, The Circle. John Goedschalk, the CEO of Conservation International Suriname, delivered an insightful presentation at the NOAH Conference Zurich 2021, held at The Circle on 6-7 December. He shared his organization’s vision for…
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Understanding the Paris Climate Agreement

Understanding the Paris Climate Agreement

For Beginners and Starters eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 27 March 2023–The Paris climate Agreement, is a landmark international agreement aimed at addressing the issue of climate change. It was signed in December 2015 by 195 countries and entered into force on November 4, 2016. The Paris Agreement is widely regarded as the most significant international agreement on…
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Sending an e-mail emits CO2 too

Sending an e-mail emits CO2 too

Being conscious sustainability using IT eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, March 17, 2023 — If I’m going to send an email, or I’m going to listen to my favorite music online, see a movie,  search online for new clothes or just go surfing just for the fun of it.  Then there is actually no realization that my online…
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