


Venezuela’s Strategic Pivot to BRICS: A Vision for Economic Revival

Venezuela’s Strategic Pivot to BRICS:

A Vision for Economic Revival eyesonsuriname Amidst geopolitical tensions and U.S. sanctions, Venezuela has taken a bold step by formally applying to join the BRICS alliance12. Led by President Nicolás Maduro, the oil-rich South American nation seeks to harness the economic rejuvenation opportunities that BRICS membership could offer. 1. Bypassing U.S. Sanctions: 2. Energy Trade…
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Colombia’s Aspiration for BRICS Membership:

A Transformative Journey eyesonsuriname 1. The BRICS Connection: A Strategic Shift Colombia’s pursuit of BRICS membership marks a significant strategic shift in its foreign policy. Traditionally aligned with Western powers, Colombia’s overtures toward the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) signal a desire for diversification and a departure from historical dependencies. Brazil’s support…
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BRICS Nations Forge a New Path: Blockchain, BRICS Currencies, and the Decline of the Dollar

BRICS Nations Forge a New Path:

Blockchain, BRICS Currencies, and the Decline of the Dollar eyesonsuriname The world is witnessing a seismic shift in the global financial landscape. Russia’s recent proposal for a Blockchain-based, BRICS-exclusive payment system has the potential to reshape international trade and challenge the long-standing dominance of the US dollar. This move by the BRICS countries – Brazil,…
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Indian government takes decisive steps on creating carbon credit markets

Indian government takes decisive steps on creating carbon credit markets

Exploring India’s Net-Zero Commitment: The Draft Green Credit Programme and Carbon Credit Trading Scheme of 2023 On 26th June and 28th June 2023, India propelled closer to its net-zero commitments as two groundbreaking events unfolded. The Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change introduced the ‘draft Green Credit Programme Implementation Rules, 2023’, and the Ministry…
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