
Tag: Brazil


Venezuela’s Strategic Pivot to BRICS: A Vision for Economic Revival

Venezuela’s Strategic Pivot to BRICS:

A Vision for Economic Revival eyesonsuriname Amidst geopolitical tensions and U.S. sanctions, Venezuela has taken a bold step by formally applying to join the BRICS alliance12. Led by President Nicolás Maduro, the oil-rich South American nation seeks to harness the economic rejuvenation opportunities that BRICS membership could offer. 1. Bypassing U.S. Sanctions: 2. Energy Trade…
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Visiting The Maze - Rio de Janeiro / Brazil

Visiting The Maze – Rio de Janeiro / Brazil

eyesonsuriname Today I took a very different tour here in Rio de Janeiro: I visited “The Maze”, a place best known by local Brazilians. “The Maze” is located on Morro Tavares Bastos, a pacified favela located in the Catete neighborhood in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro / Brazil. The whole place is decorated…
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Brazil Energy Minister commends Guyana for oil sector investments

Brazil Energy Minister commends Guyana for oil sector investments

eyesonsuriname Brazil’s Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, commended Guyana for how well it has attracted investment in its oil sector, a June 3 report by CNN Brazil said. “Guyana has advanced very quickly in this geological region [the Equatorial Margin], which it shares with Brazil. This demonstrates unequivocally that Guyana has merit in…
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The Threat of Illegal Mining from Brazil Crossing the Border and Reaching Suriname

The Threat of Illegal Mining from Brazil Crossing the Border and Reaching Suriname

dr. Edivando Vitor do Couto / eyesonsuriname Amsterdam June 3d 2024–Illegal mining, particularly gold mining, is a significant issue in Brazil, especially within the Amazon region. The problem has been exacerbated by the involvement of organized crime groups such as the First Command of the Capital (PCC) and the Red Command (CV), which provide miners…
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How Brazil Can Strengthen its Infrastructure to Combat the Climate Crisis

How Brazil Can Strengthen its Infrastructure to Combat the Climate Crisis

Dr. Edivando Vitor do Couto To comprehend the gravity and urgency of the climate crisis, it is essential to distinguish between the terms “climate crisis” and “climate change.” Climate change refers to long-term alterations in the Earth’s climate patterns, including variations in temperature, precipitation, and other meteorological phenomena over decades or centuries. This process is…
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More than 20 million in Latin America and the Caribbean are threatened by climate change.

More than 40 million in Latin America and the Caribbean are threatened by climate change.

Adequate Measures expected eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 29 May 2024 – Tens of millions of people living in low-elevation coastal areas in Latin America and the Caribbean are facing the consequences of extreme weather events that threaten their lives and livelihoods and the hospitals they depend on, according to a new study by UNFPA, the UN Population Fund. …
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Over one third of Amazon rainforest is struggling to recover from drought.

‘Critical slowing down’ of recovery raises concern over forest’s resilience to ecosystem collapse eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 27 May 2024–More than a third of the Amazon rainforest is struggling to recover from drought, according to a new study that warns of a “critical slowing down” of this globally important ecosystem. The signs of weakening resilience raise concerns that…
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Rio Grande do Sul: What Will We Learn from This Historic Tragedy?

Dr. Edivando Vitor do Couto/ eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, 24 May 2024–Writing another piece about the historic tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul is challenging due to its complexity and the profound impact it has had on all of us. This tragedy affected all layers of society, from the richest to the poorest, regardless of color, sexual…
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Rising Waters, Unyielding Hope: How the World Stands with Rio Grande do Sul Flood Victims

eyesonsuriname A Deluge of Despair The torrential rains in Brazil’s southern state of Rio Grande do Sul have unleashed a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions. As floodwaters surged, hundreds of towns were submerged, leaving behind a trail of devastation. The death toll has climbed to at least 85, and over 150,000 people have been displaced from…
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Brazil reduces CO2 emissions with more than 40%

Brazil reduces CO2 emissions with more than 40%

Coming Global Leader eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, May 2nd 20244– Brazil’s state-run Petrobras oil company announced this week a 41% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions between 2015 and 2023 according to the oficial news media and the Agencia Brasil.  ‘ The result was exceptional ‘, said Petrobras’ Energy Transition and Sustainability Director Maurício Tolmasquim. It was also an…
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