
Category: Opinion


Burkina Faso's President Ibrahim Traore

President Ibrahim Traoré: A Model of Humility and Service

eyesonsuriname In a continent often marred by stories of excess and corruption, President Ibrahim Traoré of Burkina Faso stands as a beacon of hope and humility. His decision to forgo a presidential salary and continue his duties as a military commander is not just a personal choice but a powerful statement that resonates with the…
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Repairing nations dignity

Repairing nations dignity

Fighting Crime  eyesonproject Amsterdam, 15 May 2024 — Several dignitaries and heads of State of Caribbean Community (Caricom) countries have signed the first-ever international treaty to regulate the trade of conventional weapons and promote peace by preventing the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons in the region. Crime and criminal activities on almost…
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You've Been Trumped Too

You’ve Been Trumped Too

Investigative journalist Anthony Baxter travels between the US Presidential race and the Scottish countryside to chronicle the troubling confrontation between Donald Trump and a feisty 92-year-old widow, Molly Forbes, as she refuses to make way for his golf course. This shocking insight to a David and goliath battle is a remarkable document of the disconnect…
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Wie bestuurt de wereld

Who runs the world?

Our Common Future [ by Ian Bremmer ] Amsterdam, Jan1st 2024 — It used to be an easy question to answer.  If you’re over 45 like me, you grew up in a world that was dominated by two giants. The United States called the shots on one side of the Wall, the Soviets set the rules on…
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Where capitalism and conservation meet

Where capitalism and conservation meet

Can you put a price on the wonders of nature? Kingston-Upon-Hull, Tokyo and Shiretoko Spurn point would be a desolate place to die. Stretching five precarious kilometres into the North Sea, the constantly shifting finger of East Yorkshire coast is little more than a narrow sand bank held together by sea grass, the only obvious signs…
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Opinion Ben Cooke: The Times in London

Opinion Ben Cooke: The Times in London

“Environmentalists aren’t famously keen on capitalism. Given that its rise has coincided with a two-thirds decline in wildlife worldwide, it’s not hard to see why.  Many conclude that if capitalism got us into these dire ecological straits, it has little chance of getting us out. Akshat Rathi cautions against that conclusion: we’ve left it so…
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Che Guevara

The Truth about Che Guevara

In the 1960s, for the United States, the greatest threat was just 90 miles south of Florida, Cuba and the communist dictatorship established by Fidel Castro and his proxy Che Guevara. Che Guevara was a scholar, philosopher, writer, teacher, healer, revolutionary, mass murderer, psychopath. So who was the real Che Guevara? Hosted by Colin D.…
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Environment at a Glance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Environment at a Glance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Spotlight on Climate Change Environment at a Glance in Latin America and the Caribbean: Spotlight on climate change presents the progress made by countries in the region in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and protecting natural habitats. It describes the level of exposure to climate-related hazards and some of the main policy instruments…
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Chandrikapersad Santokhi


Peter M. Woff – eyesonsuriname Since taking office as president of Suriname,  president Chandrikapersad Santokhi has failed time after time and again during his foreign state visits, except in his own country. His first state visit to the Netherlands in September 2021 was an unmitigated nightmare, culminating in an angry mob that primitively rejected his…
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