Tag: Corruption


The Poverty of Anti-Capitalism

The Poverty of Anti-Capitalism

With more and more people lashing out against markets, globalization, and economic growth, it is worth pausing to consider the world we may be losing.  Both current challenges and the past failures of economic planning suggest that we need more market pricing, more globalization, and more growth, not less. eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, January 29 2023 – Our…
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Brazilian President Lula Acts Possibilities for Suriname??

eyesonsuriname/ antonfoek Amsterdam, 27 december 2022=Brazil’s President-elect Lula looking up North. Thats where Suriname is located.  Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will seek to rebuild ties with its South American neighbors and regain a leading role in the fight against climate change under future Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira. The first step in this direction occurred…
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Simone Tebet

Simone Tebet to become Brazil’s next Planning Ministry?

Former Presidential candidate and  Senator Simone Tebet, who endorsed Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the Oct. 30 runoff against the incumbent Jair Bolsonaro, has reportedly accepted to become Brazil’s next Planning Ministry, according to press reports published Tuesday in Brasilia. The official announcement is to be made Wednesday. Under Lula, the current  Economy Ministry…
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Biden to meet with Lula

Biden to meet with Lula

in Brasília eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, dec 5th  2022 — Sometime this month, probably after 12 December Brazilian president-elect Lula da Silva will be meeting with US President Joe Biden at the White House. The news was confirmed in Washington and in Lula’s headquarters.  “I can confirm that we are planning for a visit,” White House National…
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Bolsonaro competing Lula

Elections Brazil

Lula x Bolsonaro eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 29 august 2022– Brazil’s right-wing President, Jair Bolsonaro, and leftist leader Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva have taken part in a first television debate ahead of October’s general election. Mr Bolsonaro accused the former president of having led the most corrupt government in Brazil’s history. Lula, in turn, said Mr Bolsonaro…
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ByeBye Brazil

Byebye Suriname  eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, July 21st 2022— Brazil’s Federal Prosecution Service formally accused eighteen of belonging to criminal gangs involved in sending cocaine in fruit containers to Europe through the port of Salvador, north of the country. With Operation Decontamination, twelve search and seizure warrants were ordered plus eight preventive arrests last April in several…
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Lula Presidential Campaign

Lula starts election campaign

Presidential Candidate eyesonsuriname Amsterdam June 22nd 2022–Brazil’s opposition presidential candidate Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva has released his government plan, which includes international cooperation, new labor legislation, and differentiated taxation on the wealthiest. The Workers’ Party leader and former head of state also pointed out that Brazil was “devastated by a process of destruction” and…
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Whistleblower's Day

Wistleblowers Day Globally Celebrated

Suriname // Hakinbank eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, June 21st 2022–With World Whistleblowers Day just around the corner, we take a moment to recognise the crucial role that whistleblowers play in the fight for a more just world. Whistleblowers have exposed wrongdoing and fraud, uncovered the theft of public funds and helped save millions of taxpayers’ money.  The…
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Latin America

Warning from Latin America

Economic stagnation, popular frustration and polarization eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, June 19th 2022– When they vote in a presidential run-off election this weekend [ June 18/19th 2022 ] Colombians face a difficult choice between two ill-qualified populists.  The choice between presidential candidates in Colombia has become worryingly familiar in all of Latin and South American elections.  On the left, Gustavo…
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Corruption Perceptions

Corruptions Perceptions Index 2021

How does your country measure up? 180 countries – 180 scores The perceived levels of public sector corruptionin 180 countries/territories around the world. Executive Summary Two years into the devastating COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) reveals that corruption levels have stagnated worldwide. Despite commitments on paper, 131 countries have made no significant…
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