
Category: Tourism


Visiting The Maze - Rio de Janeiro / Brazil

Visiting The Maze – Rio de Janeiro / Brazil

eyesonsuriname Today I took a very different tour here in Rio de Janeiro: I visited “The Maze”, a place best known by local Brazilians. “The Maze” is located on Morro Tavares Bastos, a pacified favela located in the Catete neighborhood in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro / Brazil. The whole place is decorated…
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Immerse Yourself in Surinamese Enchantment:

A Journey Through Eco-Tourism Gems Suriname, nestled in the northern corner of South America, boasts a tapestry of vibrant cultures, rich history, and, most importantly for nature enthusiasts, breathtaking ecological diversity. From the emerald embrace of the Amazon rainforest to the sun-kissed savannas, Suriname offers a unique blend of adventure and tranquility for eco-tourists seeking…
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Indonesian Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno has set a goal of 17 million foreign tourist visits to the archipelago by 2024.

Sandiaga Uno Optimistic 17mn Foreign Tourists to Visit Indonesia in 2024

eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, Feb.27th  – Indonesian Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno has set a goal of 17 million foreign tourist visits to the archipelago by 2024.  He expressed optimism that the goal is achievable with the support of collaboration of various economic players. He initially expected to see 14.7 million foreign tourist arrivals this year. But…
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Suriname’s Green Revolution:

How Eco-tourism Can Transform an Oil-Driven Economy Suriname, a small nation nestled in the heart of South America, stands at a crossroads. While its economy currently leans heavily on oil and gas exploration in the promising Suriname-Guyana basin, an enticing alternative beckons – the transformative power of eco-tourism. Here’s how this emerging sector could propel…
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The CUBA they don’t want you to see

The CUBA they don’t want you to see

Unknown to many and surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, there is a beautiful and exotic nation called CUBA. Let’s discover the secrets of the capital: LA HABANA or HAVANA City. This is a new walking tour of the city narrated in 4K by Wanna Walk. What do you think of when you hear the name…
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JobCreation, Carnival and Beaches

JobCreation, Carnival and Beaches

Tourist dollars/euros well spent eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 7 feb 2023 –The Brazilian Ministry of Tourism recently released figures indicating the country received 3.1 million international tourists from January to November 2022, which is more than the 2.9 million tourist arrivals in 2020 and 2021. One of the main drivers of this growth has been the country’s…
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Karin Refos Director of the healthy lifestyle resort Belasoir

Mrs. Karin Refos Director of the healthy lifestyle resort Belasoir in Suriname talking to eyesonsuriname

Mrs. Karin Refos, director of the healthy lifestyle resort Belasoir in Suriname, talking to eyesonsuriname

Paramaribo Colonial Houses

Historic Inner City of Paramaribo

Paramaribo is a former Dutch colonial town from the 17th and 18th centuries planted on the northern coast of tropical South America. The original and highly characteristic street plan of the historic centre remains intact. Its buildings illustrate the gradual fusion of Dutch architectural influence with traditional local techniques and materials. Paramaribo is a former…
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