Month: July 2022


China Press Influence Part 8

China and its influence over the Western Press

Part VIII louisalim/guardian/eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 5th July 2022 — “Dit programma opent mijn geest en hart voortdurend voor veel misvattingen die ik over China heb gekend”, zei Eugenio in een e-mail. “Ik heb geleerd dat staatsmedia een van de meest effectieve manieren van journalistiek is. De media in China werken nog steeds goed en de mensen…
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China Press Propaganda 7

China Intimidating Press Propaganda

Part VII louisalim/guardian/eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, July 5th 2022– A picture of how Cusef has worked to sway coverage of China inside the US can be found in Fara filings by a PR firm working for the foundation since 2009. BLJ Worldwide, which has also represented Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, the Gaddafi family, and Qatar’s World Cup bid,…
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Norway richest country

How Norway Got Insanely Rich

Norway is one of the Richest Nations on Earth, but its not exactly obvious why. Its large quantities of oil may be your first conclusion, but most oil rich small nations suffer from severe economic and social issues. How did Norway avoid the oil curse to become the economic powerhouse it is today and does…
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100 Trillion World Economy

ByeBye Brazil

Byebye Suriname  eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, July 21st 2022— Brazil’s Federal Prosecution Service formally accused eighteen of belonging to criminal gangs involved in sending cocaine in fruit containers to Europe through the port of Salvador, north of the country. With Operation Decontamination, twelve search and seizure warrants were ordered plus eight preventive arrests last April in several…
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China Press Influence

China buys Influence in Western Press

Part VI louisalim/guardian/eyesonsuriname Amsterdam July 2nd 2022– The task of executing that mission has fallen to 35-year-old CEO Gary Liu, a Mandarin-speaking California native with a Harvard degree, who had previously worked as chief executive of the digital news aggregator Digg and before that, on the business side of the music streaming company Spotify.  When…
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UN global effort

Agreement to conserve and harness biodiversity. eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, July 18th 2022– Efforts to protect and sustain the natural world are just as crucial as global action on climate change – and are similarly beset by a lack of concerted decision-making. The natural world is in trouble.  Some 40 per cent of the world’s amphibians, 25…
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Curse of Oil

The curse of oil

Morals of the Rich eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 16 July 2022– The climate crisis has seen wealthy countries that have built and transformed their economies with oil and gas, calling on countries in Africa, South America and the Caribbean, to hold off on developing their hydrocarbon resources. Calls have mounted for producers like Guyana, Trinidad, and Suriname…
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Macro-glance Indonesia

Macro-Glance Indonesia

Indonesia’s Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at ‘BBB’ : Stable Outlook. fitch/eyesonindonesia Low Public Debt; Weak Revenue: Indonesia’s rating balances a favourable medium-term growth outlook and a still low government debt/GDP ratio against government revenue, sovereign external debt to GDP and structural features such as governance indicators and GDP per capita that are weak compared with…
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China and the Western Press

China and the Western Press

Part V louisalim/guardian/eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, July 1st 2022 — Chinese money is also being invested in print media far from home, including in South Africa, where companies linked to the Chinese state have a 20% stake in Independent Media, the country’s second-largest media group, which runs 20 prominent newspapers.  In cases like this, Beijing’s impact on…
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