
Category: Finance/Banking


The Philippines trying hard to lead in Banking and Finance Industries.

Forefront in SE Asia eyesonthephilippines  Amsterdam, — June 24th 2024–Thinking about and trying to analyze the future of the banking and finance industry in the Philippines we can’t escape the thought that this particular industry is characterized by digital innovation, regulatory support, and a high, serious commitment to financial inclusion and sustainability.  The integration of…
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What were you doing while the forests were burning and the city was drowning?

eyesonsuriname John Goedschalk is the Nature Based Solutions pioneer with over a decade of experience in climate finance, carbon credit development and climate and conservation program design  Amsterdam, June 2, 2024 –In march of 2011, I learnt that climate change was going to make the city of Paramaribo I loved virtually uninhabitable due to increased temperatures…
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Hello? Who’s on the phone?? Who am I talking to?

Yes, this is your chatbot eyesonproject/Roland van der Vorst Amsterdam June 1, 2024– It won’t be long and we really won’t know anymore whether we are talking to a human or a computer. The machine watches and listens to us, and predicts what we want to hear. In the meantime, we think we are dealing…
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How to measure the risks and impact of financing on nature

How to measure the risks and impact of financing on nature

eyesonsuriname Understanding nature-related risks and impact and how you can manage those risks and impact is the ambition of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). The TNFD is an international partnership of, among others, the United Nations and WWF that Rabobank has been a co-developing member of since its foundation in 2021. After two…
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Sustainable Food

Sustainable Food & Agri-sector

eyesonsuriname By 2050 there will be nearly 10 billion mouths to feed. And though we produce more food today than at any other time in history, our food system is under stress. Climate change impacts threaten predictable growing seasons and grower livelihoods. Soil health and biodiversity are in decline. An estimated one third of food…
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Navigating Bitcoin’s Uncharted Waters: Risks and Resilience

eyesonsuriname 1. Volatility: Riding the Bitcoin Roller Coaster Bitcoin, the enigmatic digital currency, has carved its path through the financial landscape with breathtaking volatility. Its price swings are akin to a tempest-tossed ship on a stormy sea. As investors, we must acknowledge that Bitcoin’s youthfulness contributes to this wild ride. Within a single day, its…
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Iso 20022 vs Swift

Navigating the New Banking Landscape: A Golden Era Dawns

eyesonsuriname The world of banking is on the cusp of a transformation. As the SWIFT Standard takes a back seat and new norms emerge, financial institutions are poised for a paradigm shift. Let’s delve into the changes that await us, guided by the glimmer of gold-backed currencies. 1. ISO 20022: The Global Standard Unleashed The…
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BRICS Nations Forge a New Path: Blockchain, BRICS Currencies, and the Decline of the Dollar

BRICS Nations Forge a New Path:

Blockchain, BRICS Currencies, and the Decline of the Dollar eyesonsuriname The world is witnessing a seismic shift in the global financial landscape. Russia’s recent proposal for a Blockchain-based, BRICS-exclusive payment system has the potential to reshape international trade and challenge the long-standing dominance of the US dollar. This move by the BRICS countries – Brazil,…
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Plastic Credit Bonds

Launch 100 million Plastic Credit Bonds

eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 1 Feb 2024– The World Bank has announced the launch of a unique seven-year bond, valued at $100 million, specifically targeted at reducing plastic waste.  This pioneering Plastic Waste Reduction-Linked Bond is designed to generate financial returns for investors through Plastic Waste Collection Credits, Recycling Credits, and Voluntary Carbon Units (VCU) derived from…
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Non active cash costs investors dearly

Non active cash costs investors dearly

eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 3 Jan 2024–High net worth investors who hold a large percentage of their savings in cash or money market funds risk missing out on the potential for sizable gains in bond markets. Reviewing the past five US rate-hiking cycles reveals that, three years after they peaked, cash delivered an average return of 15…
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