Month: April 2022


Big Oil Part Two Doubt

Doubt – The Power of Big Oil

FRONTLINE examines the fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change. This three-part series traces decades of missed opportunities and the ongoing attempts to hold Big Oil to account.

Global Energy Spending this year

How much is a trillion ? eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, April 21 2022– Surging oil, gas and power prices together with the European Union (EU)’s goals of becoming less dependent on Russian supplies and post-Covid-19 pandemic inflation will catapult global energy spending this year to $2.1 trillion, Rystad Energy research shows. A concern in energy markets is…
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Dnegue Mosquito Brazil

New Health Crisis in Brazil

Peril for Suriname eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, April 21st 2022– Brazilian health authorities, Tuesday April 20th, announced the number of probable cases of dengue fever nationwide had nearly doubled since the beginning of the year compared to the same period in 2021. Suriname is especially vulnerable as uncontrolled and not documented or regulated Brazilian golddiggers visit the country leaving…
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Hope for Suriname's Economy

Perhaps, Quizás, Who Knows

Finally Hope for Suriname ? Only and Exclusively If Managed Well eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, April 21 2022– For the second time in history the U.S.of A., could perhaps play a role of importance in Suriname. The first time was when bauxite was discovered in the early 1900 hundreds and Suriname played a crucial part, by delivering aluminium…
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The Power of Big Oil Documentary

The Power of Big Oil – Documentary

FRONTLINE examines the fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change in a three-part documentary series. Read also Part II – Doubt

Catching the Wolf of Wallstreet

Lessons for fraudulent and corrupted criminals in Suriname

The Real Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort discusses his plan to repay victims of his investment scam and why Wall Street CEOs haven’t been prosecuted for crimes related to the financial crisis. He speaks on “Taking Stock.” Catching the Wolf of Wallstreet In the go-go nineties, Jordan Belfort proved that you didn’t need to…
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Artificial Intelligence in Suriname

Human control on artificial intelligence

The Digital Society Challenge for Suriname eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, April 12th,  2022– Artificial or artificial (Ai) intelligence is a collective term for science that tries to imitate or even surpass human intelligence with computers. Devices are becoming self-learning and self-organizing so that they can make decisions without human intervention. Where and how is Suriname able to apply…
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Robotisering Nederlands Landmacht

Robotics in the Dutch Army

HCSS | The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), in cooperation with the Dutch Army, has developed a documentary that explains the phenomenon of Robotic and Autonomous Systems (RAS), how the Army is experimenting with them, what applications (can) be used in practice, and the dilemmas and ethical issues…
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Exxon Oil Guyana

Heavier than expected investments in Guyana

Exxon-Mobil rolls out red carpet eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, April 6th 2022– American oil- and gas giant Exxon Mobil is investing heavily off the coast of Guyana expecting future production of some 1,2 million barrels per day of oil and gas by 2027. According to the company the fourth oil project production off Guyana will receive an extra…
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UN question marks over oil and gas extraction

Threat to the Earth from faster warming What now Suriname ? eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, April 5, 2022 — To combat climate change, we must not only rapidly reduce our use of fossil fuels, but also stop investing in new fossil infrastructure. Future emissions from all current projects are already too great to limit global warming to…
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