Robotics in the Dutch Army
HCSS | The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), in cooperation with the Dutch Army, has developed a documentary that explains the phenomenon of Robotic and Autonomous Systems (RAS), how the Army is experimenting with them, what applications (can) be used in practice, and the dilemmas and ethical issues that arise. This also contributes to a nuanced and balanced picture of the developments and deployment of RAS within the Army. It also provides some counterweight to the framing that RAS are all ‘Killerbots’.
This documentary is part of a two-year project led by HCSS in which many more activities have taken place. For example, HCSS reports of the various studies have been published (including on Operational Deployment, Ethical Issues, Proliferation and Short-Cycle Innovation and Implementation) and several expert sessions have been held, four Podcasts have been produced and broadcast in collaboration with BNR De Strateeg, and numerous national and international stakeholders from inside and outside of defense have been involved in various forms.