Tag: Amsterdam


eyesonsuriname meets Staatsolie CEO ir Jagesar in Amsterdam 21 July 2024

eyesonsuriname meets Staatsolie CEO ir Jagesar in Amsterdam 21 July 2024

eyesonsuriname meets Staatsolie CEO ir Jagesar in Amsterdam 21 July 2024

Kim Stanley Robinson

Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future

Uniting science and politics, and giving voice to our most ardent hopes and our worst fears, American climate fiction pioneer Kim Stanley Robinson’s book ‘The Ministry for the Future’ is a gripping portrayal of a world grappling with the devastating consequences of climate change and the urgent actions needed to forge a sustainable future. In…
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Technology From Amsterdam to Spain

Technology From Amsterdam to Spain

eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, March 1st 2023– Can Málaga then rightfully claim the title Silicon Valley of Europe? In any case, the city is located in a valley, but otherwise? Romera: ‘The past 33 years have taught me not to look too far ahead. What I dare to say is that our growth curve will go even…
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