Tag: Drugs trafficking


Cocaine, gangs and murder: Ecuador’s 10 days of terror

Cocaine, gangs and murder: Ecuador’s 10 days of terror

Compared with its fellow Latin American countries Colombia and Mexico – which for decades have been destabilised by violent drug gangs – Ecuador was calm and peaceful. But a wave of terror last Tuesday showed just how quickly things have changed. After the prison break by an infamous drug baron, chaos erupted. Masked men and…
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The Latin American Curse

The Latin American Curse

Consumption in the EU and the U.S.of A. eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, March 14th 2023– Uruguayan Customs authorities are beginning to deploy three new state-of-the-art scanners for border control, Economy and Finance Minister Azucena Arbeleche announced Monday during the opening of the VIII Regional Meeting of the Global Container Program for Latin America and the Caribbean.  The…
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