
Tag: Food Security


Ecological Farming Suriname

Fundamental Additions and Changes in global food systems

According to Several European Governments eyesonproject Amsterdam, 11 june 2024– Global food systems must undergo tremendous and deep social, ecological and economic changes if the human rights charters want to be respected worldwide.  Our global eyeson…project wants to encourage, throughout the world, the production of local agro ecological food, without climate impacts, equitable and participatory.  We…
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A conversation with H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, president of Suriname, chair of the Caribbean Community

A conversation with H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, president of Suriname, chair of the Caribbean Community

Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries are on the frontlines of the impacts of climate change, the energy crisis, inflation, and food insecurity. Inflation has reached more than 6 percent, electricity costs for Caribbean citizens are double the average for US citizens, and climate change is expected to cost the region almost $22 billion annually by 2050.…
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