A conversation with H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, president of Suriname, chair of the Caribbean Community


A conversation with H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, president of Suriname, chair of the Caribbean Community

A conversation with H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, president of Suriname, chair of the Caribbean Community

Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries are on the frontlines of the impacts of climate change, the energy crisis, inflation, and food insecurity. Inflation has reached more than 6 percent, electricity costs for Caribbean citizens are double the average for US citizens, and climate change is expected to cost the region almost $22 billion annually by 2050. Many of these issues were top of the agenda when five Caribbean Presidents and Prime Ministers met with Vice President Harris last week and as Caribbean Heads traveled to New York for the UN General Assembly this week.

How should new initiatives such as PACC2030 address energy, climate, and food security in the Caribbean? What are the priorities for Caribbean leaders even following the UN General Assembly? And what specific opportunities exist for US and Caribbean leaders to expand partnership beyond today and into the next decade?

You are invited by the Caribbean Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center to watch a discussion recorded on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) with H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, president of the Republic of Suriname and chair of CARICOM.


H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi
Republic of Suriname;
Caribbean Community

Melanie Chen
Board Member and Founder of the Caribbean Initiative
Atlantic Council

Jason Marczak
Senior Director, Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center
Atlantic Council


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