Tag: Web 3.0


Keep an open eye on your SEO

Keep an open eye on your SEO

A few hints eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 12 May 2023– Based on common practices and observations up until my last knowledge update back in September 2021, I can provide insights into common SEO mistakes made by website owners.   Please note that the field of SEO is constantly evolving, so it’s always a good idea to stay…
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Digital Journalism

Data Journalism in a Digital World

Amsterdam, 21 January 2023– In today’s highly-connected and instantaneous world, we have access to a massive amount of information at our fingertips. Historically, however, this hasn’t always been the case.  Time travel back just 20 years ago to 2002, and you’d notice the vast majority of people were still waiting on the daily paper or…
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Crypto Fraud

Fighting Rise in Crypto Fraud

Proliferation on Web3 Up to 2 trillion u.s. dollars laundered per year eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, February 21st 2022– Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin have continued to rise in profile, including as a method to pay for goods and services in the mooted next generation of the internet, web3.  But as more money pours into the so-far loosely regulated…
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Digital Connecting

Connecting: Understanding/Accepting Each Other

Surviving in a healthy Suriname eyesonsuriname.com Amsterdam, January 20, 2022– That we cannot just and simply understand and understand each other well will not really surprise anyone who thinks about it a bit. This is not only the case in politics and our political system, but also on the football pitch, in the field of culture or…
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Web 3.0 Digital Lessons

Digital Lessons from Silicon Valley

The next level: Web 3.0 eyesonsuriname.com Amsterdam, January 20, 2021– At a recent Zoom conference, Humphrey Polanen from Palo Alto, the heart of California’s Silicon Valleypatiently explains that traditional and ordinary websites have had their day and are far outdated.  Web1.0 is from twenty, twenty-five years ago,” he says, “a relic and dinosaur of the 1990s.…
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