Can an AI Chatbot Pass a Data Science Interview?


Can an AI Chatbot Pass a Data Science Interview?

Can an AI Chatbot Pass a Data Science Interview

Modern AI Chatbots are astounding, as we are reminded almost every day. But they also are criticized for their (lack of) accuracy, their tendency to just make things up, their banal song lyrics, and their lack of true intelligence.

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023 Professors Joao Sedoc and Foster Provost interviewed a data science chatbot (ChatDS), to demonstrate what modern AI can and cannot do. The interview ranged from standard data science interview questions, to problem formulation questions, to working out math on the whiteboard, to live coding and data visualization. You will get a view of what chatbots currently can and cannot do, and hopefully a glimpse into the future of work … with AI.


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