Category: Energy


Guyana Basin

Possible Troubles in the Guyana Basin

Old Wounds never Die @eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 18 March 2022–Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro and opposition leader Juan Guaidó disagree on much. But last month, the two opponents agreed on at least one thing — where Venezuela’s border begins — and neighboring Guyana is not happy.  During talks in Mexico brokered by Norway, Maduro and Guaidó agreed…
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Suriname Recovery

Possibly Bumpy days Ahead

Reform without unrest Part V Global Capital GC: What are the key reforms that this government has undertaken and how will they affect creditworthiness? Minister Achaibersing: We are not just fixing the roof. Given what we inherited, we are called upon to build new foundations. Under President Santokhi, our government has taken immediate steps to put…
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Suriname Economic Recovery

Economic Recovery Suriname After Chaos Previous Government

Restructuring before oil FID  Part IV Amsterdam, February 18th 2022 — GC: Indeed, the projections in the IMF programme do not consider recent major offshore oil discoveries, citing the absence of clear private sector investment plans to extract these resources. How close is a final investment decision (FID) from Total and Apache on their Suriname discoveries?…
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Suriname Oil Boom

Suriname and its Oil Boom

To be or not to Be  By Heike Meinhardt Amsterdam, February 18th 2022– Given that the IMF, IDB and World Bank are supposed to help Suriname resolve its debt crisis, pushing over $1 billion in new debt worsens the problem. Upholding policies for big oil profits is reckless for Suriname’s finances and devastating for the climate.…
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Armand Achaibersing and Albert Ramdin

Suriname to offer creditors oil-linked bonds

ESG opportunity in restructuring Part I globalcapital / eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, February 15th 2022== Suriname’s debt workout has the ingredients to be a fascinating case study for sovereign restructuring. GlobalCapital spoke exclusively to the two ministers leading creditor negotiations, Armand Achaibersing (l) and Albert Ramdin (r). Suriname is only just pulling out of a deep recession,…
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Alliance Brazil and Suriname quest for oil

Brazil, Guyana and Suriname Alliance

Together in the Oil and Gas Business eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, Jan 31st 2022– Brazil is betting strongly to become the main player in the development of oil and gas production in its northeast corner, where the state of Amapá shares proximity with French Guiana, Suriname, and Guyana, these two of which are set to become significant…
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Lightyear One

Lightyear: Strategic Roadmap for Electric Cars

Last year, we set a new standard for EV efficiency with our validation prototype by driving over 440 miles (710 kilometres) on a single battery charge. Lightyear’s Aerodynamics team recently took the next step by further testing critical aspects of the vehicle in Rome, at the Bridgestone European Proving Ground (EUPG). The power consumption of…
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Climate change

Climate change and sustainable development

Revolution in Suriname ? MIT Technology Review / James Temple Amsterdam, January 6, 2021– No way to escape today.  Whether you are in Timbuktu or Antarctica, but in addition to climate change, a broad sustainable energy – but especially the digital and educational – transformation policy is a necessity for countries that want to experience…
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Rudoph Elias Optimism

Optimism in Guyana and Suriname

Development Caution Required  Amsterdam, December 30th 2021– The South American neighbors of  Guyana and Suriname have emerged as the two most exciting oil-producing provinces of the Latin America and Caribbean region.  But with renewed calls for a quick transition to renewables given the troubling impacts of climate change over the last decade, a cloud of worry…
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Oil Rig

Big Oil has a do-or-die decade ahead because of climate change

The 2020s are poised to be to energy firms what the 2010s were to utilities—disruptive As revolutionary slogans go, it hardly had the resonance of ¡No pasarán! But when Repsol, a Spanish oil company, said in December it would reduce the net carbon footprint of everything it produces to zero within 30 years, it marked the most powerful…
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