View of Paramaribo

Government House and Square in Paramaribo. On the left the Waterkant with the corner house on the corner of the square. The stately homes date from after 1821, when this street burned down completely due to a fire that started in a warehouse behind the corner house. On the waterfront lies the so-called government staircase, landing place for tent boats, while on the right is the naval stairs, the landing place for naval ships. On the river a tent boat with eight rowers, on the right an Indian canoe. Behind the three palms the palace of the governor.
by G.W.C. Front garden. Lithograph Jacob Eduard van Heemskerck van Beest. 1860-1862. G.W.C. Voorduin, Gezigten from Neerland’s West-Indien. Amsterdam, 1860.